What is Critical Illness Insurance?
A health and wellness plan in which you receive a lump sum cash payment if diagnosed with one of the specific illnesses on the predetermined list of critical illnesses.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Eligible employees as described on page 2 of this guide, spouse and dependent children* (up to age 26)
Coverage provided by MetLife
Issue Age - Rates are locked in and will not increase with age
Benefit includes cancer coverage at no additional cost
No health questions every year!
Keep your coverage if you retire or change employers
The chart below is a sample of covered services. Please see Plan Certificate for a detailed listing of services in their entirety.
*Child marital status may impact benefit eligibility
MetLife Website Link: CLICK HERE
If you still have questions, contact Campus Benefits:
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5

Don’t forget to file your annual Wellness Benefit! CLICK HERE to access the Wellness Incentives page for additional details.